The Fourth of July is the worst day for dogs ending up in shelters and emergency hospitals and, unfortunately, too many end up dead in the road. They experience absolute terror from hearing the loud noises of the holiday. They panic and run to try and get away. People fire off rockets and firecrackers and then at night the fireworks come on and it truly sounds like a war zone. Even dogs that live within earshot of the SeaWorld fireworks that go off every night react to the holiday fireworks which are much louder. Please keep your dog safely indoors during this special holiday. People love their dogs and they want to include them, but taking them along on a Fourth of July outing can lead to disaster. A terrified dog will run wildly trying to get away from the danger. Even leaving a dog in the yard outside is dangerous. A terrified dog can get out and over a six-foot fence. I live in Ocean Beach and every year I see so many people walking down to see the fireworks with their dogs in tow, and I shudder. And every year, after the Fourth, the signs start to go up on the bulletin board at the beach: “Dog lost on the Fourth of July.” The shelters and emergency hospitals say this is the biggest intake day of the year. Please do right by your dog and keep it safe at home and inside.