By Scott Sherman
In 2018, San Diego voters overwhelmingly approved Measure G, which will transfer ownership of the SDCCU stadium site to San Diego State University once terms are negotiated with the city. If implemented in the right way, SDSU West could help transform the region in a positive way.
Council President Pro Tem Barbara Bry who supported Measure G, and myself who opposed the measure joined together at a recent press conference to voice our concerns regarding the process so far and offered solutions to help ensure the project is successful for all San Diegans.
San Diego State University’s Economic Impact Report (EIR) is woefully insufficient and could cause long-term damage to neighborhoods surrounding the SDCCU Stadium site. To summarize, here are some concerns I have:
The proposed traffic mitigation measure do not live up to voters ‘expectations as outlined in Measure G and the campaign.
–?A representative for SDSU stated at a Sept. 11, 2019 Land Use & Housing Committee that $21 million in “traffic improvements” are planned.
–?City staff estimate the offsite improvements proposed in the EIR value approximately $2 million, inferring that $19 million will be within the project site itself. When asked at the committee, the SDSU representative did not have the specific breakdown of traffic improvement spending onsite vs. offsite.
–?The traffic mitigation in the EIR consists mostly of traffic signal optimization and turn lanes, and does not mitigate for freeway traffic aside from promoting alternative modes of transportation.
The draft EIR is inconsistent with the newly passed Mission Valley Community Plan.
–?The Fenton bridge connection was not analyzed in their EIR
–?This connection was modeled for the Community Plan and found to be essential for circulation, public safety and expanded access to transit.
–?The SDSU Mission Valley Campus Master Plan does not provide for a cycle track along Friars Road, which is included in Mission Valley Community Plan, but instead adds another vehicular lane.
The draft EIR omits improvements or maintenance of Murphy Canyon Creek to prevent flooding
–?Measure G specifies that SDSU will mitigate drainage impact
–?The Measure G boundary map clearly connects to Highway 15
–?Now SDSU is claiming a new boundary line west of Murphy Canyon Creek.
–?At the Sept. 11 hearing the SDSU representative said that the channel is not part of the project and they do not have to improve it.
I urge community residents to reach out to SDSU with your concerns and to please attend upcoming Council meetings that will be considering approving the sale of the land to SDSU.
— Council member Scott Sherman represents the District 7 neighborhoods of Mission Valley, Linda Vista, Grantville, Allied Gardens, Del Cerro and San Carlos on the San Diego City Coucil.