Por Diana Jacob
Triple-header: Three big, long-awaited projects are starting construction in Lakeside. Together, they will further boost the town’s economy and quality of life
- Lakeside Equestrian Park. The nearly 14-acre project at Moreno Avenue and Willow Road will include a covered arena, open arena with shaded bleacher seating and a multi-purpose building.
- Lindo Lake beautification. The east basin is being restored to its natural state, while the west basin is also set for major improvements. Sediment will be removed, trees replanted and nearly 100 fish habitat and spawning structures will be placed on the lakebed. New amenities will include ADA-accessible walking paths, bird watching stations and a fishing pier.
- Lakeside Library. A new county library will be built on Woodside Avenue near Channel Road. The 16,400-square-foot structure will replace the town’s 5,000-square-foot library, built in the 1960s. It will include a 150-seat community room, five study rooms and a Friends of the Library bookstore. It is expected to open in summer 2022.
A huge thank you to all the community leaders who worked with me to make these great projects possible!
Meth is death: I recently stood with other leaders of the region’s Meth Strike Force to release the region’s annual meth report card.
There were a record 546 local meth-related deaths in 2019. There’s no sugarcoating it: Meth is destroying lives and families in our county. These tragic deaths were unnecessary and avoidable. The strike force includes the best and brightest in law enforcement and treatment services, but we clearly need to do even more as a region to address this deadly addiction.
In 1996, when we created the strike force, there were so many meth labs in San Diego County that it was known as the “Meth Capitol of the World.” That’s no longer true, thanks to the hard work of this group and the community.
— Dianne Jacob representa al Distrito 2 en la Junta de Supervisores del Condado de San Diego. Para preguntas o comentarios sobre el gobierno de su condado, llame al 619-531-5522 o envíe un correo electrónico dianne.jacob@sdcounty.ca.gov.