Point Loma was invaded Friday night (Sept. 25) by a Critical Mass bike ride. We were traveling southbound on Rosecrans when 1,000-plus bikes came out of Liberty Station making a left turn onto Rosecrans. The mass went through at least 10 red-light cycles, which meant they blocked off law-abiding citizens from at least 10 green cycles. A few San Diego Police Department cruisers were apparently escorting them as the mass repeatedly broke the law. Ironically, on the Critical Mass website the group touts that it is promoting obeying the law to traditional vehicle drivers. A very odd premise; watch us break the law so you’ll be inspired to obey it later!?!?!?!?! They meet the last Friday (http://www.myspace.com/criticalmassride) of every month in Balboa Park — shouldn’t be too tough for SDPD to get the ticketing troops out (ironically Saturday’s Union-Tribune showed a mounted officer giving a motorist a ticket; send the cavalry after them!!). I can’t see why they are allowed to keep violating traffic safety laws and block off city streets. I couldn’t set up a stickball tournament or a street fair closing a public street without permits and paying for city costs. Why can (apparently) Critical Mass do so? I’m sure I’ll generate letters: • lecturing me on how great bike-riding is for the environment – I agree; • on how dangerous the roads are for bike riders – I agree, and worry about my 7th-grader who bike rides five days a week to and from Correia Middle School and who witnessed 1,000 adult bike riders breaking the law; and • on Critical Mass’ right to hold special events — once again, I agree, just get a permit, pay your fees and reimburse city costs and post the route ahead of time so I can plan accordingly. I think I’m in support of the cause. It is the illegal, selfish, rude, dangerous and illogical execution of Critical Mass’ information strategy that I very much disagree with. Keep the message; change the delivery.