SEPTEMBER 26 • 14th annual Jetty Kid Surf Kontest for girls ages 8-16 and boys ages 8-15, T-shirt for entrants and chance to win prizes. Free. South Mission Beach. For entry click on the “Community Info” link at or call Marianne Kendall, (858) 539-4422, or e-mail Kim Fox, [email protected]. • Pacific Islander Festival San Diego (also Sept. 27), dancing groups, Taste of the Islands, free to enter, 9 a.m.-4:30 p.m. At Ski Beach. • Wave House Athletic Club will offer free classes for children and adults, 9 a.m.-noon, 3115 Ocean Front Walk, swimming, beach obstacle course and yoga. The first 100 people to attend the family fitness day will receive a free ride at Belmont Park. Call (858) 228-9300 or visit • San Diego Rowing Club will host a Taste of France fundraising dinner, 6-10 p.m. at Garty Family Pavilion on Mission Bay. The silent auction includes coaching sessions with top rowers, sailing lessons, sculling oars and golf packages. Tickets $75 per person, and casual attire is suggested. (619) 203-3017. • Open Door Books will host author Dr. Nancy Kehoe, a clinician and licensed psychologist who will explore the role of faith and spirituality in treating mental illness, 9-noon at 4761 Cass St. Complimentary breakfast will be served. Call (858) 270-8642. SEPTEMBER 29 • Pacific Beach Town Council Dineout, Lotsa Pasta, 1762 Garnet, 6 p.m., call Mary Cook, (858) 450-0422 SEPTEMBER 30 • The Pacific Beach/Taylor Library hosts a free lecture titled “Thirty great drought tolerant plants for your garden,” 6 p.m. at 4275 Cass St. Speaker and landscape designer Doug Kalal will bring examples. OCTOBER 3 • Gordon & Smith Surfboards celebrates 50 year anniversary with museum quality exhibit of G&S history, live music and surf and skate legends, Noon-5 p.m. At the Wave House in Mission Beach. OCTOBER 4 • Blessing of the Animals, noon at Christ Lutheran Church, 4761 Cass St. Community invited to bring their pets for a blessing. OCTOBER 9-11 • 14th annual Polish festival, food, street dancing, live music, folk dancing, Polish beer, arts and crafts, Oct. 9 (21 and over only) 5-10 p.m., Oct. 10 noon-10 p.m., Oct. 11 noon-6 p.m., St. M. Kolbe Roman Catholic Mission, 1735 Grand Ave.