The College Area Community Planning Board and Council is holding annual elections at its March meeting. There are six seats with three-year terms expiring in 2023 and one seat with a term expiring in 2022 open. Both incumbents and new members are encouraged to run. It is an exciting time with our community plan update process starting soon and several ideas for community improvements in the works. Be a part of it. Requirements are that you be at least 18 years old; a College Area resident or property-owner, or business-owner (or designated rep of a local business, including nonprofits); and have attended at least two meetings prior to the February meeting.
As was mentioned earlier, the College Area Community Council (CACC) created a 501(c)(3) nonprofit umbrella organization in order to make any donations, potentially tax deductible, and to have the opportunity to apply for grants for specific projects to improve our community. The new entity is the College Area Community Coalition, so it has the same acronym as the council. The council will essentially function as a project of the coalition, with the coalition acting as the funder and legal umbrella for council projects.
The annual membership drive was delayed a bit until all details of the new organization were finalized, so that any annual donations could be tax deductible. Existing members will receive their annual membership update letters in the next week or so and any checks can be made out to “College Area Coalition” or simply “CACC.” Details will be provided in the letter. Any members that prefer to update their information and/or make their annual donation online can do so at areauniversitaria.org. Donations made online are set up under the new structure.
As you have been reading over the past few months, our most ambitious and expensive project in our history, the community plan update project is moving forward very positively. It would not have been possible without your financial support. This and other projects in the pipeline are critical to you, your family and community. Please be part of the positive momentum. Support your community!
Finally, this is an election year and as it did in the past, the CACC is hosting a candidate forum to give community members an opportunity to hear directly from candidates as to their positions on issues of interest or concern, and ask them questions. Candidates for federal, state and local public offices, whose territories cover the College Area, have been invited. As of this writing, we have candidates for all the offices up for election or re-election.
The forum will be held on Friday, Jan. 24, from 6 to 9 p.m. in the fellowship hall at Faith Presbyterian Church, 5075 Campanile Drive (at Montezuma). A Friday evening was selected so that working families do not have to worry about getting home early to prepare for school or work the following day. Please spread the word. Be a part of the solutions you would like. Make informed decisions!
—Jose Reynoso is chair of the College Area Community Council and the College Area Planning Board. Visit collegearea.org.