My husband and I are writing to protest the unethical/illegal removal of our benches along Sunset Cliffs. It is unconscionable how this decision was made without any consultation or input from those most affected, i.e., the people who live and walk each day along this beautiful place and the Sunset Cliffs Natural Park Recreation Council. Many letters of protest have been sent to date so we will not belabor those again. However, we would like to emphasize how much this act/decision was so like what has happened in our country today in federal, state and local issues. We have forgotten to be responsible in a democratic way! We all keep saying — over and over — transparency is necessary for our own acts, for those in every level of government and that the voices of local folk be heard with important issues. Look how easy it is for people in government, no matter what level, to just make decisions that greatly affect others in painful short and long-term ways. When many of the protest letters were sent — all of them mentioned the spiritual beauty of this area but it has been more than that. My husband was a physician in the U.S Army for 26 years — we both worked and taught in medicine over the years in many cultures. We came to San Diego in l985 because we thought it represented the best of American ways and respect for all, including people and the environment. When Sept. 11, 2001, occurred, hundreds of people met each evening on the cliffs with candles lit for those who died. For weeks, it was a way in which to grieve as a community and as Americans. Many could not stand and were able to sit down and join the prayers. Jake died recently at the age of 90 years but I still include him in all of important areas of my life. He would be editing this letter with me. Let us all DO THE RIGHT THING! Let us discuss, evaluate and then proceed to make right what has been done wrong! If we all work together, we can rebuild solid benches (that won’t fall apart) and bring back our walking community to Sunset Cliffs. Speak to the people who go there everyday — those who haven’t even been there, keep your counsel until all the facts are explored.