The nagging issue of traffic calming on Sunset Cliffs, spearheaded by the Slow Down Sunset Cliffs effort started a year ago, became a key topic of the Aug. 26 meeting of the Ocean Beach Town Council (OBTC). A representative from the city’s Traffic Engineering Division was on hand and decided that a new traffic study will be done in the cliffs area. The town council supports Slow Down Sunset Cliffs’ efforts in the matter, according to OBTC board of directors president Jim Musgrove. “The city traffic and engineering people are going to come out and do another more in-depth study into the actual traffic flow, and we’ll see how that turns out,” Musgrove said. “Our point is that the data they were using was old and, most likely, flawed.” Musgrove said the city will schedule the traffic analysis as soon as the citizens group presents locations and dates for survey to the town council. In other news, candidates vying for the eight open seats on the OBTC also spoke during the meeting. Active members of the OBTC are currently voting to decide who will fill the board’s upcoming vacancies. “The candidates for the open seats all spoke and asked for the support of the members,” said Musgrove. “They spoke about their backgrounds, their service to the community, their willingness and eagerness to serve the town council going forward.” Voting for the board of directors will continue through Sept. 5. Musgrove said the vote is being done via computer with an electronic ballot to make the OBTC more “green.” Once the votes are tallied, candidates will be asked to attend a closed meeting and the successful candidates will be introduced at an induction dinner on Oct. 6 and seated at the Oct. 14 board meeting. OBTC meetings are open to the public and held the fourth Wednesday of every month at the Point Loma Masonic Lodge, 1711 Sunset Cliffs Blvd. For more information, visit