The 2020 Census launched this month. As the COVID-19 health pandemic continues on, it serves as a resounding reminder to ensure an accurate and complete count of our communities to allocate the federal, state, and local funding that each family, community, school district and business industry needs. This year marks the first time the census can be done online, as well as over the phone or by mail — all without having to meet a Census taker.
High rates of hard-to-count persons
Getting a full and accurate count in San Diego and Imperial Counties (Region 10) is vital for our vibrant, growing region — not only for us, but for future generations to come.
“If everyone in our region is counted, it could help bring more money to our region for transportation, housing, and community programs,” says Ray Major, SANDAG Chief Data and Analytics Officer and Chief Economist. “In addition, census data helps SANDAG analyze commute patterns and plan for improvements to our region’s transportation network.”
When compared to the results of the 2010 Census, San Diego County is the 21st hardest county to count, and Imperial County is identified as the most undercounted region in the entire state of California. According to data from the State of California, San Diego and Imperial Counties have more than 255,000 individuals who are considered extremely hard to count. However, data from the Advancement Project tells us this number could be even higher, with as many as 783,277 people at risk of not being counted in 2020 in San Diego and Imperial Counties.
The region was awarded more than $4.4 million by the State of California to fund their efforts to increase Census participation in the 230 Census tracts most at risk of undercount. An additional $400,000 was provided through San Diego Grantmakers. “
Nonprofits and community members, funders, and government agencies have been talking about how to make sure that we reach our hardest-to-count neighbors for nearly the past two years,” says Megan Thomas, vice president of collaborations and initiatives, at San Diego Grantmakers.
Everyone to be counted
Community groups came together to start the non-partisan Count Me 2020 Coalition in early 2019. United Way of San Diego County is the Administrative Community Based Organization (ACBO) for Region 10 that oversees the collaborative work of the Count Me 2020 Coalition, which is a group of more than 150 civic and community-based organizations from San Diego and Imperial Counties. Member organizations are committed to ensuring a complete and accurate count of the 14 populations identified by the State of California as “hard-to-count.”
“Our region has some of the highest hard-to-count populations, which include various ethnic groups, immigrants, refugees, military veterans, the LGTBQ community, seniors, young children, individuals and families experiencing homelessness, and residents of traditionally disadvantaged neighborhoods,” says Michele Silverthorn, project lead, Count Me 2020 Coalition. “Members of the Count Me 2020 Coalition offer valuable lines of communication to encourage Census participation within their respective constituencies and the community as a whole partners.”
How to take the 2020 Census
Starting in mid-March 2020, households will receive an invitation in the mail informing them of the options for filling out the Census questionnaire. The invitation will contain a unique ID number to use when filling out the Census. However, if you misplace your number, you can still take the Census using your home address. Once the invitation arrives you can respond for your home in one of four ways:
Online: Complete the questionnaire at the official website, my2020census.gov on your desktop computer or mobile device, or through Questionnaire Assistance Centers and Kiosks hosted by libraries, governments, and community groups at various locations around the region. A full list of locations will be posted to countme2020.org in the next few weeks. The online self-response form is provided in 12 languages plus English, and 59 other language assistance guides are provided online, including in Braille and large print
Phone: Response can be made by phone. Depending on the language preferred (12 languages plus English), there is a toll-free number a resident can call. Call the Census Bureau Customer Service Center at (800) 923-8282.
Paper Questionnaire Form: If requested, a paper form can be provided in Spanish and English, as part of the update/leave campaign and for those who do not receive mail at their physical address. See map here: www.censushardtocountmaps2020.us.
In-Person: In-person home visits by official Census enumerators will begin in April 2020 to visit college students who live on campus, people living in senior centers, and others who live among large groups of people. In May 2020, Census enumerators will begin visiting homes that haven’t responded to the 2020 Census by April 30, 2020, to help make sure everyone is counted.
If you are filling out the Census for your residence, you should count everyone who is living there as of April 1, 2020. Be certain to count babies and children (all ages), close or extended family members, people who are not related to you, and people staying with you without a permanent place to live. Learn more about who to count and any special circumstances at bit.ly/2THmQOL.
On March 30 and April 1, 2020, the U.S. Census Bureau will count people who are experiencing homelessness. As part of this process, the Census Bureau counts people in shelters, at soup kitchens and mobile food vans, on the streets, and at non-sheltered, outdoor locations such as tent encampments. After this period, people experiencing homelessness can visit a community-run center to submit their information, call to respond over the phone, or complete it on their own personal smart device.
Regardless of the participation method, all community members regardless of status are encouraged to self-report and respond early. “Count Me 2020 Coalition members provide outreach education support and access to ensure completion of the Census questionnaires, including assistance to individuals in their native language,” says Silverthorn. The U.S. Census Bureau will also support linguistically diverse populations language access, depending on the response format.
Information collected is confidential
The Census is known for having one of the strongest guarantees of confidentiality in the federal government. “There are many measures in place to keep Census information private,” says David Bennett, San Diego media specialist, U.S. Census Bureau. “It cannot be used for law enforcement purposes, immigration enforcement, or to determine personal eligibility for benefits. Under Title 13 of the U.S. Code, the answers collected are used only to produce statistics and are kept anonymous for 72 years. Security breaches can result in jail time and $250,000 fine if information is shared.”
For a list of important 2020 Census dates, censusoutreach.org. In the near future, the Count Me 2020 website will have locations of the Questionnaire Assistance Kiosks and community run assistance centers, as well as a full list of Census-related events and volunteer opportunities in various neighborhoods.
In San Diego and Imperial Counties, the majority of 2020 Census efforts are coordinated through the Count Me 2020 Coalition, led by the United Way of San Diego County, with support from SANDAG and the County of Imperial. For additional information on the 2020 Census in our region please visit countme2020.org, californiacensus.org or 2020census.gov.
Census coronavirus precautions
Members of the Count Me 2020 coalition are adapting their outreach strategies to limit person-to-person contact and comply with the orders and recommendations from the State of California and the County of San Diego, yet encourage San Diegans to take the 10 minutes to complete the 9 question survey.
- Community outreach staff and volunteers continue their outreach work from home, providing “virtual assistance centers” run by trusted community members, where they are still answering questions on the phone and directing community members to online tools. They plan to be in remote operation for the next few weeks and hope to open their doors as soon as it is safe to do •so, and welcome their communities to complete the nine question survey at a Questionnaire Assistance Center or Kiosk. Many of the sites will have an online kiosk or phone line where persons can respond, and a dedicated person to answer questions from the public.
- Some partner locations are open for emergency services, and will be available to answer questions and provide information on how to complete the 2020 Census survey online or on the phone.
- Organizations are making calls, sending emails, and using social media channels like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok to spread the word! #CountMe2020 #CountMeIn
- Outreach and promotion tactics are being adjusted to be appropriate and safe during the COVID-19 pandemic. Coalition members hope to incorporate traditional means of advocacy and education (canvassing, events, town-hall meetings, use of Mobile Questionnaire Assistance Kiosks, etc.) once it is safe to do so.