Crew Classic atraerá a los mejores remeros a Mission Bay
The 36th annual San Diego Crew Classic rowing regatta returns to Mission Bay on April 4 and 5 when the...
Lee masDetailsThe 36th annual San Diego Crew Classic rowing regatta returns to Mission Bay on April 4 and 5 when the...
Lee masDetailsDespite a March 4 release by San Diego City Council members announcing that city crews replaced seven of 28 recently...
Lee masDetailsAs the San Diego Padres franchise prepares to launch its 41st campaign amid recessionary times, the new CEO has said...
Lee masDetailsIn 2005, on the evidence of her debut album "It’ll be Alright," singer-songwriter Evan Bethany was hailed as one of...
Lee masDetailsThe 2009 local scholastic track season should offer athletes a good shot at both team and individual honors. At La...
Lee masDetailsA child’s world is not much beyond that of the parents, the nursery, the play group; it’s a narrow world....
Lee masDetailsIn an effort to bring locals into the Village, about 15 La Jolla art galleries have joined forces to produce...
Lee masDetailsAngela Weyrick admires a Tuscan landscape by Irina Negulescu during a March 21 grand opening reception at Negulescu’s new La...
Lee masDetailsHistorical context, relevancy to our times and entertainment value are all reasons to see and hear San Diego Repertory Theatre’s...
Lee masDetailsBird Rock and Pacific Beach elementary schools, and about 20 other schools that have fewer than 500 students, will be...
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