News Briefs 2/12/09
PCPB still accepting applications for election The Peninsula Community Planning Board (PCPB) will continue to accept candidate applications during the...
Lee masDetailsPCPB still accepting applications for election The Peninsula Community Planning Board (PCPB) will continue to accept candidate applications during the...
Lee masDetailsBAE Systems, a United Kingdom-based international defense company, will relocate at least 200 employees to a new 3-story building at...
Lee masDetailsOne of two men accused of severely beating an Australian tourist in Ocean Beach one year ago pleaded guilty Feb....
Lee masDetailsCan delicious and healthful coexist in the same comestibles? The old Rolling Stones tune seems to suggest otherwise. "You can’t...
Lee masDetailsThe San Diego Unified School District (SDUSD) has restored some federal funding to schools with students from poorer families. Next...
Lee masDetailsThe peeps over at Point Loma’s NTC Promenade liked last year’s Valentine’s Day marriage marathon so much that they’ve decided...
Lee masDetailsA marathon of weddings and vow renewals, church bells and high flying bridal bouquets will change the unlucky vibe of...
Lee masDetailsThe results of a recently completed $65,000 study show that several dance studios and film festivals currently spread across the...
Lee masDetailsSuper Bowl Sunday has passed. The "world" championship of football has been decided for another year, and diehard fans across...
Lee masDetailsCOMMUNITY/CIVIC Saturday, Feb. 14, 9 to 11 a.m., Friends of Dog Beach hosts monthly Dog Beach cleanup. Gloves, bags, scoops,...
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