Gutsy Point Loma athlete set for grueling challenge
Racing a Jet Ski at 60 miles per hour in 58 miles of open ocean is not easy for any...
Lee masDetailsRacing a Jet Ski at 60 miles per hour in 58 miles of open ocean is not easy for any...
Lee masDetailsNo necesitas un día especial ni siquiera una excusa para hacerlo. Es algo que todos hacemos. Algunas personas...
Lee masDetailsThe studios save all the good films for the summer and fall, so we will be seeing some entertaining films...
Lee masDetailsThe San Diego Unified School District (SDUSD) Board of Education has finalized a 2009-10 budget on paper that shows cuts...
Lee masDetailsNo necesitas un día especial ni siquiera una excusa para hacerlo. Es algo que todos hacemos. Algunas personas...
Lee masDetailsAmerica’s Finest City celebrates the Fourth of July in style with a number of spectacular fireworks shows from the Ocean...
Lee masDetailsI read with disgust, but not surprise, the recent ad hominem attack on Gary Halbert's volunteer work chairing the Rosecrans...
Lee masDetailsSan Diego Unified School District (SDUSD) board members voted June 23 to approve a proposal that reversed previous bell time...
Lee masDetailsThe Fourth of July is the worst day for dogs ending up in shelters and emergency hospitals and, unfortunately, too...
Lee masDetailsCOMMUNITY/CIVIC Saturday, July 4, 1 to 4 p.m., Westminster Presbyterian Church hosts a free community Fourth of July picnic at...
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