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Donation drops are a discouraging experience Late last year, I delivered a complete, reliable and working computer to Goodwill. It...
Lee masDetailsDonation drops are a discouraging experience Late last year, I delivered a complete, reliable and working computer to Goodwill. It...
Lee masDetailsBIG RED IS DEAD. Or maybe not. My 1995 red Mustang passed away in the China Inn parking lot on...
Lee masDetailsCould seal population cause a shark attack? As a 17-year resident of La Jolla, I’ve watched the seal controversy closely....
Lee masDetailsI’m just a girl who can’t say no, goes the song. In the case of the musical, her problem was...
Lee masDetailsSan Diegans will be asked in June to vote on locking in the city’s experiment with a "strong mayor" form...
Lee masDetailsWith all due respect to my fellow Point Loma native and Point Loma High School graduate Mari Hamlin Fink’s quixotic...
Lee masDetailsTransportation today is of major concern to our society. We live everyday traveling to and from workplaces, stores, schools and...
Lee masDetailsI would like to express my extreme opposition to the beach restroom closures. We all know the city is trying...
Lee masDetailsThe invitation came in the mail. The Village News office party. There was an address I did not recognize, but...
Lee masDetailsUCSD alumnus asks school to draw the line The following letter was sent to UCSD Chancellor Fox. As an otherwise...
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