Líderes de La Jolla contra los planes de DecoBike en el Village
With plans to expand to outlying areas from its downtown San Diego core, DecoBike is likely to get a cool...
Lee masDetailsWith plans to expand to outlying areas from its downtown San Diego core, DecoBike is likely to get a cool...
Lee masDetailsThe Mount Soledad National Veterans Memorial Association has announced a series of major donations from key donors, including a half...
Lee masDetailsThe ball is now in the mayor's court, as La Jolla Town Council (LJTC) issued a call to action, following...
Lee masDetailsLand-use zoning and homelessness dominated discussion at Midway Community Planning Group's November meeting. Community planners heard from city planner Vickie...
Lee masDetailsWar is the unfolding of miscalculations, according to historian Barbara Kingsolver. The uncivil war over the Regents Road bridge may...
Lee masDetailsReading and libraries Re: “La Mesa Reads: Books by and about veterans” Kudos to Librarian Heather Pisani-Kristl for her thoughtful...
Lee masDetailsBusinesses and residents within the Village of La Jolla have voted to tax themselves via creation of a maintenance assessment...
Lee masDetailsKiwanis move after 51 years The last time the Grantville-Allied Gardens Kiwanis Club needed a change of address form, Lyndon...
Lee masDetailsBy Mickey Zeichick Our next San Carlos Area Council (SCAC) meeting will be Wednesday, Jan. 4 at 6 p.m. in...
Lee masDetailsPeople in Mission Beach these days seem to be glad – or mad – about a new proposed maintenance assessment...
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