Music Notes – Jan. 9 – Feb. 12, 2015
Jazz Saturdays: Douglas Kvandal with the LiveJazz! Quartet at the Amigo Spot at Kings Inn. Free. 7 p.m. 1333 Hotel Circle South,...
Lee masDetailsJazz Saturdays: Douglas Kvandal with the LiveJazz! Quartet at the Amigo Spot at Kings Inn. Free. 7 p.m. 1333 Hotel Circle South,...
Lee masDetailsCovered California Informational Session Saturdays, Jan. 10 and 24, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Are you uninsured? Is your insurance...
Lee masDetailsPor Ruth Kenzelmann Cada mes de enero, nos prometemos que este es el año en el que realmente cumpliremos con esos...
Lee masDetailsPor Mateo Manguera | Voz de San Diego Cualquier residente de San Diego sabe que Mission Valley en hora pico es un desastre paralizado....
Lee masDetailsPor Dave Schwab El debate en curso sobre mantener a las orcas en cautiverio y usarlas en espectáculos comerciales se intensificó a medida que SeaWorld...
Lee masDetailsPor Liz Fraumann Con el nuevo año sobre nosotros, no solo es el momento de cuidar de su...
Lee masDetailsBy Jeremy Ogul | Editor Some called it amazing. Others called it creepy. Regardless of how you saw it, you...
Lee masDetailsCovered California Informational Session Saturday, Dec. 13, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Are you uninsured? Is your insurance too expensive?...
Lee masDetailsThe Anime/Manga Club Wednesdays, 5 to 6 p.m. Discuss fantastic anime and manga new and old: their history, storylines, possible...
Lee masDetailsBy Jeffrey Meyer With the recent release of a new United Nations report on the global impact of climate change,...
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