Noticias del Consejo de Acción del Cerro
By JAY WILSON Mark Rawlins, the chair of the Del Cerro Action Council (DCAC), has announced that the quarterly meeting...
Lee masDetailsBy JAY WILSON Mark Rawlins, the chair of the Del Cerro Action Council (DCAC), has announced that the quarterly meeting...
Lee masDetailsBy JEFF CLEMETSON | Mission Times Courier By any metric, Deputy City Attorney Raul Campillo is the frontrunner candidate in...
Lee masDetailsBy FABIAN CUEVAS, CONNOR GROSS, ERIN MAXWELL and NAOMI SUZUKI In the first weekend of March, before the quarantine began, the...
Lee masDetailsChef James Foran, a veteran pastry instructor at Grossmont College and head of the Culinary Arts program, has gotten a...
Lee masDetailsBy JAY WILSON Scott Bailey, president of the HC STEMM Foundation, has announced that the Mini Golf Challenge for children...
Lee masDetailsBy Elizabeth Gillingham Lions Club Speech Contest Senior Lisa Nguyen has won the club and zone levels in the Lions...
Lee masDetailsPor PAT BOERNER Navajo Canyon Mujeres Republicanas de California se complace en anunciar que nuestra próxima reunión será el martes 4 de abril...
Lee masDetailsBy DAVID EGE Despite the rain, the Robotics Showcase Extravaganza 2020 was a smashing success that attracted 270 attendees! Thank...
Lee masDetailsBy TINA RYNBERG and JEFF BENESCH The board of directors of the La Mesa Foothills Democratic Club has voted to cancel...
Lee masDetailsBy KATHRYN JOHNSON Adult programs Happy birthday to us! – You are all invited to celebrate the library’s 55th birthday....
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