News from you County Supervisor
By Dianne Jacob We’ve been tested before, but never like this. We’ve faced catastrophic wildfires and other challenges, but the...
Lee masDetailsBy Dianne Jacob We’ve been tested before, but never like this. We’ve faced catastrophic wildfires and other challenges, but the...
Lee masDetailsSave a local business I recently found out of the closure of long, longtime La Mesa business Morgan’s Monograms. Mary...
Lee masDetailsPor PAT BOERNER A medida que atravesamos un desafío sin precedentes en nuestro país, es importante enfocarnos en el...
Lee masDetailsBy STEVE JONES In spite of the uncertainty that coronavirus (COVID-19) has caused, there are still many industries filled with...
Lee masDetailsBy KENDRA SITTON | La Mesa Courier With Californians ordered to shelter in place to stop the spread of Coronavirus,...
Lee masDetailsBy JEFF CLEMETSON | La Mesa Courier On April 15, tragedy struck the Helix High School community when two of its...
Lee masDetailsA pair of Cuyamaca College engineering students are making things a little more tolerable for health care workers and other...
Lee masDetailsBy JEFF CLEMETSON | La Mesa Courier The COVID-19 pandemic and its ensuing stay-at-home orders have wrecked havoc on small retail...
Lee masDetailsHELIX WATER DISTRICT FREEZES RATES Helix Water District’s Board of Directors voted at its April 1 meeting to freeze water...
Lee masDetailsBy RAMONA PRICE In this strange time of social distancing and staying at home, how do you get new books...
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