Bishop’s alumni will join new graduates
The Bishop’s School’s class of 2009 will officially graduate Friday, May 22 alongside about 25 alumni during the school’s "100th...
Lee masDetailsThe Bishop’s School’s class of 2009 will officially graduate Friday, May 22 alongside about 25 alumni during the school’s "100th...
Lee masDetailsDo you have a family member with a cranky demeanor and a big mouth? If so, your relation has an...
Lee masDetailsHer unbridled love of La Jolla The La Jolla Historical Society joins the chorus of so many others in expressing...
Lee masDetailsThe local scholastic golf season wrapped up recently for several local teams in their respective leagues. At La Jolla Country...
Lee masDetailsWith a 15-6 victory over Patrick Henry High during its final home game of the season, the La Jolla High...
Lee masDetailsThis year we faced a $42 billion state budget deficit, the largest in history. There were no easy choices as...
Lee masDetailsVisit the League of Women Voters ( to read about the propositions in full under "The Next Election" on the...
Lee masDetailsFollowing Charles Lindbergh’s tradition of flying fixed-wing planes off La Jolla’s cliffs, professional hang gliding and paragliding pilots will gather...
Lee masDetailsSan Diego City Lifeguard Sgt. Ed Harris and fellow lifeguards began petitioning last April to leave the group’s union and...
Lee masDetailsBack after 71 years, the La Jolla Pet Parade and Festival will fill the village with barks, meows and neighs...
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