OTL heats up Fiesta Island
Competitors and partygoers alike will hit the sand at Fiesta Island for two weekends staring July 11 and 12 for...
Lee masDetailsCompetitors and partygoers alike will hit the sand at Fiesta Island for two weekends staring July 11 and 12 for...
Lee masDetailsOn the Fourth of July weekend just past, as San Diegans enjoyed time with family and friends at the city’s...
Lee masDetailsA trombonist plays with gusto at Pacific Beach Concerts on the Green, the summer series of free, outdoor concerts held...
Lee masDetailsPolice raided four smoke shops of drug paraphernalia on June 18 including Freak Factory in Mission Beach and 420 Smoke...
Lee masDetailsThe Discovery Channel filmed the wrap-up of its fifth season of Deadliest Catch – called "After the Catch" – at...
Lee masDetailsAbout ten parents representing foundation organizations from several San Diego city schools gathered Monday, June 15 outside a Scripps Ranch...
Lee masDetailsTeens attack passers-by with baseball bat Five teenagers, ages 17 to 19 years old, reportedly attacked several people with a...
Lee masDetailsA gifted singer-songwriter, Brooklyn Mack is also one of the most collaboration-minded musicians in town. Indeed, each of her shows...
Lee masDetailsMission Bay seniors waved goodbye to high school on June 15 and set their eyes to the future. The Beach...
Lee masDetailsElder abuse in Pacific Beach Elder abuse comes in many different forms. In our home it rears its ugly head...
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