Gardening classes at Armstrong
For these free gardening classes, Armstrong Garden Centers will give tips and tricks on various topics and areas of interest. The Mission Valley/Grantville store is located at 10320 Friars Road; there are several other San Diego Armstrong locations. Sessions start at 9 a.m.
Upcoming classes include:
- “Fall container gardens” on Sept. 24.
- “Cool season veggies and herbs” on Oct. 1.
- “Pumpkin with succulents – make and take” on Oct. 15.
Visita ArmstrongGarden.com para más información.
Senior activities
Tuesday, Sept. 20
Lunch and activities for seniors will be held at Ascension Lutheran Church (5106 Zion Ave., Allied Gardens). The events will be held from 11:30 a.m.–2 p.m. For more information and to RSVP, call 619-582-2636.
Just Between Friends San Diego’s childrens consignment event
Thursday, Sept. 22–Sunday, Sept. 25
Shoppers can prepare for cooler weather at this special consignment event and families can also “recycle by reselling” items their children have outgrown. Items available will include: Halloween costumes, holiday clothing, gifts, shoes, toys, games books, kids clothing, baby equipment, furniture and more. The event will start with an early shopping time on Thursday from 6–9 p.m. which costs $10 in advance or $15 at the door. The sale will continue from 3–6 p.m. on Friday, 9 a.m.–6 p.m. on Saturday and 9 a.m.–noon on Sunday. Tickets for Friday and Saturday are $3 and Sunday is free. The event will be held at the Scottish Rite Event Center (1895 Camino del Rio South, Mission Valley). Visit bit.ly/2c8CKwx para más información.
‘Carousel of Fashion’
Saturday, Sept. 24
Friends of East County Arts, Inc. will present this event at the El Cajon Elks Club #1812 (1400 E. Washington Ave., El Cajon) from 11 a.m.–2 p.m. There will be a catered lunch, Champagne greeting, and fall fashions by Draper’s and Damon’s. There will also be a silent auction, drawings and a vendor corner to participate in. This event benefits arts in East County. Tickets are $65. For reservations, call Margie Hartman at 619-440-2449 or mail your check to: Margie Hartman at P.O. Box 1061, El Cajon, CA. 92022. Checks should be made payable to: Friends of East County Arts, Inc.
Global March for Elephants and Rhinos – San Diego
Sunday, Sept. 25
This annual event takes place in over 100 cities around the world to “incite a complete and total ban on the ivory and rhino horn trade.” The San Diego contingency of the Global March for Elephants and Rhinos has teamed with NSEFU Wildlife Conservation Foundation for this event. NSEFU is a nonprofit that creates strategies and programs to fight poaching of endangered species in Southern Africa. The San Diego march will take place from 11 a.m.–4 p.m. at San Diego Waterfront Park (1600 Pacific Highway, Downtown). Marchers are encouraged to bring posters, banners and comfortable shoes for the event. Visit march4elephantsandrhinos.org para más información.
Rosh Hashanah luncheon and celebration
Friday, Sept. 30
College Avenue Center (6299 Capri Drive, Del Cerro) will host this celebration of Rosh Hashanah (Jewish New Year) starting at noon with apples and honey for a sweet New Year followed by a special luncheon. The celebration will continue with lively Hebrew and Yiddish music by Yochanan Sebastian Winston and Tommy Gannon at 12:30 p.m. Visit jfssd.org for more events at CAC.
Benchley Weinberger $1 Day Fundraiser Sale
Saturday, Oct. 15
This sale will include clothes for kids and adults, toys, household and sporting items, tools and more – all for $1 each. Donation items will be accepted the day of the event. This event will be held at Benchley Weinberger Elementary School (6269 Twin Lake Drive, San Carlos) from 11 a.m.–3 p.m. and benefits the school. Email questions to [email protected].
Craft and bake sale
Saturday, Oct. 15
St. Andrews Lutheran Church (8350 Lake Murray Blvd., San Carlos) will hold this event from 8 a.m.–2p.m. with a bean soup lunch available. Visit standrewslcsd.org.