‘Listen to Love’ concert
Saturday, Dec. 5
This special concert features pianist, composer, teacher and retired Presbyterian pastor George Miladin performing at New Life Presbyterian Church (5333 Lake Murray Blvd., La Mesa). The solo piano concert begins at 2 p.m. and will feature classical tunes, ballads, sacred songs and Christmas favorites. Learn more about Miladin at pianotips4u.com. And visit newlifelamesa.org for more on the concert.
Holiday community dinner
Sunday, Dec. 6
Ascension Lutheran Church (5106 Zion Ave., Allied Gardens) will host this special dinner at noon. It is open to anyone in the community and will featured roast turkey, ham, dressing, sweet potatoes, pecan pumpkin pie and more festive treats. RSVP by Nov. 30 to the church office at 619-582-2636. Visit ascension-church.com para más información.
‘Holiday Legislative Open House’
Wednesday, Dec. 10
State Senator Joel Anderson invites families to attend a holiday open house. Individuals will have the chance to receive a 2015 legislative update and submit ideas for improving state government. The event runs from 6 – 8 p.m. at Toyota of El Cajon (965 Arnele Ave., El Cajon). It is free and open to the public. There will be food and refreshments. RSVP by calling Senator Anderson’s office at 619-596-3136 or online at sen.ca.gov/anderson.
Holiday stories, singalong and music
Sunday, Dec. 13
Betty Grant and Mary Holma from Storytellers of San Diego will be telling classic holiday stories along with tales of peace and funny pieces as well, starting at 3 p.m. There will also be a singalong portion with “Jingle Bells” and other favorites. Musicians from The School of African Arts will be performing toe-tapping and clapping music from Zimbabwe. The festivities will be held in the indoor theater of the Visitor Center at Mission Trails Regional Park (1 Father Junipero Serra Trail). Donations appreciated. Visit mtrp.org para más información.
‘Fiesta Navida’ Christmas concert
Sunday, Dec. 13
World-renowned tenor Jonathan Valverde will be the featured singer at the “Fiesta Navida” concert at Ascension Lutheran Church (5106 Zion Ave., Allied Gardens) at 4 p.m. Valverde will be accompanied by a mariachi ensemble for this unique concert directed by Robert Plimpton with Charles Prestinari, San Diego chorus master at the piano and organ. It will also feature SOAR, the church’s handbell choir, Latin American carols by a community choir and congregational carol singing. The concert is perfect for all ages. There is no admission charge, an offering will be received and a reception will follow. Visit ascension-church.com para más información.
Seniors on the Go trip to Golden Acorn Casino
Wednesday, Dec. 16
A group trip to Golden Acorn Casino in Campo will depart from La Mesa Enrichment Center (8450 La Mesa Blvd., La Mesa) at 8:30 a.m. and return at 3:30 p.m. The bus ride will cost $7 ($5 for members) and includes a $20 free credit at the casino. There will also be a prime rib meal available at the casino for $7.77. For more information, call the Center at 619-667-1322.
Self-defense course, Pilates class and holiday gift fair
Saturday, Dec. 19
Today will be a busy day at the La Mesa Adult Enrichment Center (8450 La Mesa Blvd.) starting at 10 a.m. A free women’s self-defense course will be followed by a free Pilates class by Kwai Sun Studio (reserve a spot by calling 619-713-5566). There will also be a holiday gift fair featuring products by Mary Kay, Doterra Essential Oils, Exquisite Cuisine by Casey and more.