Friday, May 24
‘Mary Poppins Jr’
Through May 26
Mary Poppins is set to fly over the rooftops of London and onto the stage this Memorial Day weekend. Over 50 local children between the ages of 8-17 have been cast in these Kroc Junior Theatre performances of “Mary Poppins Jr.” The magical high-flying family musical, perfect for families, is a great beginning to the summer season. Directed by Sean Boyd, with musical direction by Julie Greathouse and choreography by Ellen Kaz, “Mary Poppins Jr” offers spectacular family entertainment. Friday and Saturday performances at 7 p.m., Sunday at 2 p.m. at the Joan B. Kroc Theatre, 6611University Ave., San Diego. Tickets are $15 for adults, $12 for children and seniors, and can be purchased at kroccenter.seatyourself.biz or at the box office before performances.
Saturday, May 25
Street Food Cinema: ‘Jurassic Park’It’s more than just a movie! Street Food Cinema features cool outdoor movies, picnic-ready food trucks, live music from emerging artists, interactive games and more! 6 p.m. doors, 8 p.m. movie. Grossmont Center, 5500 Grossmont Center Drive Suite 169, La Mesa. Tickets are $14 adult, $6, children 6-12, available at bit.ly/2US7vtk.
Sunday, May 26
Chamber Bravura
From Borrego’s Clark Dry Lake, where they filmed their first video — the haunting “You Ruined Me” — to singing the mass in St. Peter’s Basilica, the young singers of Chamber Bravura have brought a cappella magic to audiences around the world. And now these middle and senior high students from throughout the San Diego area, under the direction of Katherine Girvin, are coming to The Table: United Church of Christ of La Mesa as part of the popular Valerie Victor Concert Series. 2 p.m. in the church sanctuary, 5940 Kelton Ave. Free offerings are taken. For more information, visit mesaucc.com, or call Jim Tompkins-MacLaine at 619-888-3401.
Wednesday, May 29
Parks Foundation Fundraiser
La Mesa Park & Recreation Foundation is holding a fundraiser at The Hills Local Pub, 8758 La Mesa Blvd. from 5 to 9 p.m. 10% of all receipts go toward the foundation’s goals, including bringing a community garden to MacArthur Park.
Thursday, May 30
The Celebrity Championship at Sycuan
Through June 2
Charitable proceeds from this golf tournament event benefit the Junior Seau Foundation’s Adaptive Surfing Program with Challenged Athletes Foundation. The tournament will bring together approximately 40 of the best celebrity golfers in the world competing for a cash purse and the coveted Celebrity Championship Trophy. Red Carpet Reception on May 30, followed by three rounds of golf, one each on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Three-day tickets are $15 available at celebritychampionship.com. At Singing Hills Golf Resort at Sycuan, 3007 Dehesa Road, El Cajon.
Friday, May 31
Recharge with Rock Climbing
The Special Liberty Project is partnering up with Cairn Leadership to offer a veteran outdoor rock-climbing adventure in Mission Trails Regional Park. Bring hiking shoes and water bottle. Necessary gear and snacks provided. Meets at 4 p.m. in the Mission Trails Regional Park Visitor Center, 1 Father Junipero Serra Trail. Free. Register at bit.ly/2J1kkPM.
Saturday, June 1
Flag Day Parade
The La Mesa Flag Day Parade continues its 22-year-long tradition where the community comes together each year to recognize the organizations and individuals that make La Mesa “The Jewel of the Hills.” With the recent upgrades to La Mesa Boulevard, the built-in flagpole holes will be filled with American flags to line the Village for this patriotic celebration. With a short route, coming in at just under a mile, the La Mesa Flag Day Parade is a great showcase of marching bands, clubs, businesses and local dignitaries. Parade marches west through the Village at 10 a.m. Free. bit.ly/2HjOzQG
Thursday, June 6
Historic Preservation in La Mesa: Myths, Realities and Benefits
La Mesa Conversations and the La Mesa Historical Society (LMHS) are hosting a discussion on the city’s Historic Property Survey Update. LMHS President Jim Newland, city of La Mesa Senior Planner Allyson Kinnard, historic property appraisal expert Nikki Kreibich and historic property owners will be ready to answer questions about historic designations, the process and benefits. 6:30-8:30 p.m. at Masonic Lodge Hall, 4731 Date Ave. Free.
Evening with Scott Pelley
The Joan B. Kroc Institute for Peace and Justice presents an evening with “60 Minutes” correspondent Scott Pelley. Pelley will discuss his new book “Truth Worth Telling,” which attendees will receive a signed copy of with purchase of a ticket to the discussion. $27.19 for one admission, $37.19 for two admissions. 7 p.m. at the Joan B. Kroc Institute for Peace and Justice, Marian Way and Camino San Diego. Visit bit.ly/2GMqv7s.
Friday, June 7
Local Artist Showcase
Through July 10
Stunning and unique work by local artists will be featured at Nainsook Framing + Art, 8130 La Mesa Blvd. Visit nainsookframing.com for hours and information.
Saturday, June 8
Heartland Fire Pancake Breakfast
Heartland Firefighters of La Mesa will hold its 13th annual Pancake Breakfast at Fire Station 11, 8034 Allison Ave., from 8 a.m. to noon. Along with a $5 breakfast, the event will feature booths on safety, crime prevention, disaster preparedness, CPR and water safety. bit.ly/2E64C2z.
Dog Days of Summer
Find your furry forever friend at Grossmont Center! You can have your pick from among the hundreds of animals — including dogs, cats, puppies, kittens, turtles, tortoises and birds — that will be at the 2019 Dog Days of Summer MEGA Adoption Event in Grossmont Center, 5500 Grossmont Center Drive. 11 a.m.-3 p.m. Free. bit.ly/2Vs4cJt
Friends’ Fashion Fling
Friends of East County Arts, Inc., supporting the arts in East County since 1984, is pleased to present “Friends Fashion Fling.” This year’s event promises participants a relaxing afternoon of complimentary Champagne on their arrival, delicious catered lunch and the latest fashions from Macy’s at Grossmont Center as well as a silent auction, opportunity drawings, and entertainment. 11 a.m.-2 p.m. at the Ronald Reagan Center, 195 East Douglas Ave., El Cajon.
Thursday, June 20
Red Shoe Day fundraiser
Volunteers are needed from across the county for Ronald McDonald House Charities of San Diego’s largest volunteer-driven fundraiser to collect generous cash donations from morning commuters from 6:30-9:30 a.m. at more than 200 major intersections throughout San Diego County. Visit RedShoeDaySD.com to register as a volunteer or create a personal fundraising page to help support Ronald McDonald House Charities.
Sunday, June 16
Sundays at Six Concerts: Trails and Rails
La Mesa Park & Recreation Foundation hosts a free concert featuring country music band Trails and Rails. 6-7 p.m. at Harry Griffen Park, 9550 Milden St. Visit lamesaparks.org.
Sunday, June 23
Sundays at Six Concerts: San Diego Concert Band
La Mesa Park & Recreation Foundation hosts a free concert featuring the music of the San Diego Concert Band. 6-7 p.m. at Harry Griffen Park, 9550 Milden St. Visit lamesaparks.org.
Wednesday, June 26
Three Cycles of Wealth
The La Mesa Chamber of Commerce is offering a workshop to chamber members aimed at describing the three cycles of wealth — wealth accumulation, wealth preservation and wealth transfer — and why they are crucial in all aspects of your financial life. Also learn common sense tax strategies. This workshop, hosted by James and Susan Harnsberger, will include hors d’oeuvres and beverages, and is free to La Mesa Chamber members and $15 per person for all other guests. Reservations may be made via lamesachamber.com or by calling 619-465-7700. 5:30-7 p.m. at Marie Callender’s, 6950 Alvarado Road, San Diego.
los lunes
California Note Catchers, four-part harmony chorus, invite ladies of all ages to their rehearsals 7-9 p.m. Performances throughout SD. Located in Social Hall of La Mesa First United Methodist Church, 4690 Palm Ave. 619-464-3727.
La Mesa Walks!
Enjoy a fun walk with friends and neighbors. First and third Tuesdays, meet at various locations, second and fourth Tuesdays meet at 9 a.m. at La Mesa Library, 8074 Allison Ave. Call 619-667-1300 for more information.
Senior Women’s Support Group
City of La Mesa offers senior women’s support group, every Wednesday 9:30-11:30 a.m. at the La Mesa Adult Enrichment Center, 8450 La Mesa Blvd. Please contact 619-667-1322.
Wellness Wednesday
Wellness Wednesday is a health series normally held on the fourth Wednesday of each month in the Herrick Library, 9001 Wakarusa St. in La Mesa. Admission is free and advance RSVP is not required. Light refreshments and informational handouts will be available. For more information, call the library at 619-825-5010 or visit herricklibrary.org.
Classic Car Show
June 6–Aug. 29
The La Mesa Village Association hosts the La Mesa Classic Car Show featuring pre-1974 cars, trucks, and vans! The event features DJ’s and live bands, and an award giveaway at each event honoring the night’s best cars. Thursdays, 5–8 p.m. in the La Mesa Village.
matiné de cine
El Centro de Enriquecimiento para Adultos de La Mesa presenta una serie de proyecciones de películas modernas y clásicas todos los jueves a la 1 pm en el salón principal del centro. El costo es $2 por boleto. Para listados de películas, visite bit.ly/2FVrOSQ.
Mercado de agricultores de La Mesa
La Mesa’s farmers market offers fresh local produce, florals, pastries, live music, and arts and crafts each Friday. 3-7 p.m. along La Mesa Boulevard. Free. Visit lamesavillageassociation.org.
Shop Local Market
Last Saturday of the month at Grossmont Center, participating shops set up tables outside and offer markdowns and new product showcases. 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Free. 5500 Grossmont Center Drive, La Mesa.
Historias de viajes
Visite el Grossmont Center todos los domingos para una hora de cuentos interactivos para niños. Los niños visitan StoryTent, eligen un libro que les interese y luego lo leen en voz alta a un voluntario. El voluntario hace preguntas atractivas que ayudan al niño a desarrollar la comprensión de lectura y las habilidades de pensamiento crítico, todo mientras gana dólares de libros para intercambiar por premios geniales. Gratis. 5500 Grossmont Center Drive, La Mesa.