GADS one-year anniversary celebration
Friday, June 17
This business networking group representing Grantville, Allied Gardens, Del Cerro and San Carlos will celebrate its one-year anniversary starting at 5 p.m. at San Diego Brewing Co. (10450 Friars Road, Suite L, Grantville). Visit bit.ly/28EUtlE for additional details.
‘Fashion + Flavors’
Friday, June 17 – Saturday, June 18
This new event will feature food, fashion and fun at Old Town’s Bazaar del Mundo. The festivities will be held from 10 a.m. – 8 p.m. each day at the corner of Juan and Taylor streets. A cooking demonstration by Casa Guadalajara’s Chef Jose Duran will be held each day at 11:30 a.m. and attendees can try his creations and enjoy a light lunch in Bazaar del Mundo’s courtyard. On the fashion side, guest artists will be showcasing handmade fashion accessories, clothing and crafts including scarves, handbags, jewelry and more. Visit BazaarDelMundo.com para más información.
‘The Changing Face and Landscape of Media’
Friday, June 24
KPBS General Manager Tom Karlo will lead a discussion and behind-the-scenes tour from 10:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. at the KPBS studio (5200 Campanile Drive, College Area). The tour will include a viewing of the newsroom, an opportunity to ask questions and a live broadcast of “Roundtable” at noon. For more information, call 619-594-2863, email [email protected], o visitar neverstoplearning.net/osher.
6th annual ‘Homeless Treasure’ rummage sale
Saturday, June 25
St. Andrews Lutheran Church (8350 Lake Murray Blvd., San Carlos) will host this large rummage sale from 7 a.m. – 1 p.m. Proceeds will benefit Third Avenue Charitable Organization, serving San Diego’s homeless. Visit tacosd.org for more on the organization and a list of requested items for the sale.
‘Growing plumerias’ class
Saturday, June 25
For this free gardening class, Armstrong Garden Centers will give tips and tricks on how to care for plumerias and keep them blooming all summer. The fragrant and beautiful flowers are the traditional Hawaiian lei flower. The Mission Valley/Grantville store is located at 10320 Friars Road; there are several other San Diego Armstrong locations. This session starts at 9 a.m. Visit armstronggarden.com for more information on this and other upcoming Armstrong events.
‘Expedition Norway’ vacation bible school
Monday, June 27 – Friday, July 1
Every year St. Dunstan Episcopal Church’s vacation bible school creates a week of activities for children based on a vacation “destination.” This year’s vacation bible school week will include songs, crafts, food, games and activities inspired by Norway. The cost is $35 per child and includes all activity materials, a t-shirt and snacks. Children entering kindergarten through fifth grade are welcome. St. Dunstan’s is located at 6556 Park Ridge Blvd. in San Carlos. Visit stdunstans.org to register.
‘Future Quest’
Wednesday, June 29 – Friday, July 1
This youth conference’s theme for its 19th year is “ONE: one Lord, one church, one purpose.” Students from various churches will gather for three days of guest speakers, workshops, outreach training, concerts and other various activities. Guest speakers this year will include Bill Wilson of Metro Ministries and author/evangelist Clayton Jennings. Visit for more information.