Gaslamp Quarter Historical Foundation shares Downtown’s storied past
Dave Fidlin | Downtown News
Tucked away in the heart of Downtown’s Gaslamp Quarter district, the William Heath Davis house could be easily overlooked; but the Gaslamp Quarter Historical Foundation, formed more than three decades ago, makes sure it keeps the home and its storied history in the spotlight.
Through its Gaslamp Museum, situated within the Davis home at 410 Island Ave., the foundation provides an unabashed glimpse into the Gaslamp Quarter’s rise, fall, and rise, through a period of time that spans more than a century-and-a-half.

“We’re very committed to the historical integrity of this area,” said Bob Marinaccio, executive director of the foundation and museum. “Our goal is to supply the history that brought us to this point.”
Supplying that history means not airbrushing certain realities from the past. While the early decades of what today is Gaslamp Quarter were a positive for the greater San Diego area, a large chunk of the district’s history was a sad reflection of an area in decline.
The Davis home was built in 1850, a decade after the Hawaiian native came to Southern California to start a shipping business. He found the San Diego Bay an attractive area at a time when few others did, because it was barren and desert-like, and lacking any naturally wooded areas.

Davis used his shipping prowess to have pre-fabricated homes shipped in from Portland, Me., and had eight or ten built, all similar to the one still located on Island Avenue. While he had visions of creating a city in the San Diego Bay area, those plans were squelched when his entire fortune went up in flames in a fire.
Alonzo Horton, a far more recognizable name in San Diego and the Downtown area, eventually picked up where Davis left off, creating what became known as New Town by the bay. Horton’s impact was so pronounced that he is frequently known as the father of San Diego.
But the success of New Town was short-lived. When the nation’s economy fell into a depression in the 1890s, people and shopkeepers began deserting the burgeoning area.
“It became one big brothel,” Marinaccio said. “There were porn shops and other types of establishments all around.”
But the seedy image of today’s Gaslamp Quarter was lifted by the 1970s as city officials worked in earnest to redevelop the area. Marinaccio said the efforts brought renewed vigor to an area with deep roots.
“It was a huge success. It was a long time coming,” Marinaccio said as he reflected on the efforts. “Block after block was redeveloped, and today Gaslamp is known as the center of town. We’ve got a flourishing community.”
Marinaccio said enthusiasm spiked as workers removed layers of building materials and stripped structures down to their original architecture.
The foundation itself was formed in 1982 as an off-shoot of what had been known as the Gaslamp Association – an organization comprised of historians and business owners. A sister organization, known today as the Gaslamp Quarter Association, promotes the many virtues of the district.
The centerpiece of the foundation’s efforts is the Gaslamp Museum, which is open throughout the year. Each room has been furnished to represent some aspect of the Davis home’s history. While the dwelling long served as a residence, it was also a county hospital for a brief period of time, a fact depicted in one of the rooms.
The foundation has more recently been known to host a series of annual events, including the upcoming children’s-themed Fall Back Historic Street Faire, designed to mimic some of the ambience of New Town.

“We set it up so it looks like 1890,” Marinaccio said. “There are people wearing Victorian outfits, and the kids are treated to carnival rides. There is also a saloon that offers ice cream sundaes.”
Fittingly, Fall Back –in its 13th year – is held on the day clocks change for Daylight Savings Time, and this year that day is Nov. 3. The free event is scheduled to take place from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. near Fifth and Island avenues.
“It’s become our signature piece [and has] become a very important event to us because it gives kids an idea of what life was like. Learning about history can be fun.”
Although the foundation and museum subsist solely on donations, the Fall Back festival is not a fundraiser. Its primary fundraising event is the annual shamROCK festival held in the heart of the Gaslamp.
“There are between 6,000 and 7,000 people who attend this each year, and we have the party of all parties on St. Patty’s Day,” Marinaccio said.
Much like the revitalization of Gaslamp Quarter itself, Marinaccio credits the success of the foundation and museum to strong partnerships with a number of organizations, including the City of San Diego’s Commission for Arts and Culture and the San Diego Historical Society.
And while the foundation has a small staff, Marinaccio said it is a largely a volunteer-driven effort.
“These are people who are very hands-on and dedicated,” Marinaccio said of the volunteers. “They’re very interested in making sure this area continues to flourish.”
For more information about the Gaslamp Historical Foundation and Museum or its events, visit gaslampquarter.org or call 619-233-4692.
Dave Fidlin has been a professional journalist for more than a dozen years. Throughout his career, he has contributed to a variety of newspapers, magazines and websites across the nation. He has a special affinity for San Diego and its people. Contact him at [email protected].