In an effort to decorate and update Bird Rock’s benches along La Jolla Boulevard, Bird Rock Community Council members are asking local businesses to sponsor their Concrete Bench Art Project. “The concrete benches were put in many years ago, but they suffered with the sea air,” said Bird Rock Community Council President Joe LaCava. “One year ago we hired a concrete specialist to finish the benches so they’re safe and to add some color.” BRCC members asked Jane Wheeler to decorate one bench. Wheeler, a local artist who frequently aids Bird Rock Elementary School and Muirlands Middle School art students, chose the bench outside Little Locks at 5665 La Jolla Blvd., LaCava said. “Wheeler was chosen to do her thing with the benches. They picked a mosaic with a seaside scheme in front of Little Locks,” LaCava said. “It was literally a work of art. It so inspired people that we began to talk about the other five benches — we could do the same thing if we found other sponsors in the Bird Rock community.” At this point, La Cava said he estimates each bench would cost approximately $1,500 to sponsor Wheeler to create similar tile decorations. Locals can view the completed mosaic bench outside Little Locks. Business owners interested in sponsoring one of the five remaining benches can e-mail BRCC members at [email protected].