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Por Jean Lowerison | Theatre Review Las familias pueden ser tan tóxicas como la radiación, nos dice el dramaturgo Paul Zindel en “The Effect...
Por Jean Lowerison | Theatre Review Las familias pueden ser tan tóxicas como la radiación, nos dice el dramaturgo Paul Zindel en “The Effect...
Por Jean Lowerison | Theatre Review Los clubes de caballeros, el imperialismo británico y el sexismo son solo algunos de los temas que se burlan en Nell...
Por Jean Lowerison | Theatre Review Sunset Boulevard, esa calle histórica de sueños elevados y esperanzas frustradas, sigue siendo...
By Jean Lowerison | Theater Review It’s likely that Sherwood Forest and its inhabitants were never as frantic, nor as goofy,...
By Jean Lowerison | Theater Review It’s likely that Sherwood Forest and its inhabitants were never as frantic, nor as goofy, as...
By Jean Lowerison | Theater Review Touts, burlesque dancers and mission dolls meet in Frank Loesser’s classic musical “Guys and...
By Jean Lowerison | Theater Review “The world would not be in such a snarl, had Marx been Groucho instead of Karl.” ...
By Jean Lowerison | Theater Review I can identify with Edward Bloom. When he sings “We were born to wake each...
Por Jean Lowerison "Lend Me a Tenor" no lo es, pero "Ken Ludwig's The Gods of Comedy" al menos ofrece...
Por Jean Lowerison El camino hacia la iluminación puede estar pavimentado con buenas intenciones, pero para el fabricante de ropa de yoga de alta gama Jojomon (no...
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