Opera: a tragic marriage in Nagasaki
By David Dixon Garnett Bruce — director of the famed Opera de Montreal — returns to Downtown San Diego later...
By David Dixon Garnett Bruce — director of the famed Opera de Montreal — returns to Downtown San Diego later...
By David Dixon For 30 years, Diversionary Theatre has produced many plays and musicals focusing on the LGBT community. A...
By David Dixon A singing and dancing comedy about losing weight has become a surprise hit. Productions of “WaistWatchers the...
By David Dixon Giacomo Puccini’s dark achievement, “Tosca,” features brutal deceit, immoral behavior, and a cunning villain that represents pure...
By David Dixon Giacomo Puccini’s dark achievement, “Tosca,” features brutal deceit, immoral behavior, and a cunning villain that represents pure...
By David Dixon Finding historical relevance in the early 20th century The turn of the 20th century in New York...
By David Dixon Movie buffs consider “Singin’ in the Rain” a musical masterpiece with so many iconic scenes, a triple-threat...
By David Dixon The concept of artificial intelligence has been featured in numerous films and books. Yet, A.I. has not...
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