UC San Diego: transitioning to renewable energy is key to decarbonization
UC San Diego researchers have determined America is falling behind in its credibility in joining international efforts to combat climate change,...
Dave "Schwabie" Schwab, 67, is a native of Joliet, Ill. in the suburbs of Chicago and is a graduate of Michigan State University. He has been a journalist in San Diego since arriving here in 1982. His hobbies include watching movies, listening to music, hiking, reading, following sports and spending time with friends.
UC San Diego researchers have determined America is falling behind in its credibility in joining international efforts to combat climate change,...
A Bird Rock resident has launched a petition drive to reduce the speed limit on a reportedly dangerous stretch of...
A joint effort by Enhance La Jolla and La Jolla Village Merchants Association to beautify and transform utility boxes in...
Community planners support a proposal to ban wood bonfires on City beaches (including Pacific Beach, Mission Beach, La Jolla, and...
The City is making selective changes to its street-sweeping program to help maximize the trash and debris removed from neighborhoods...
Obecians were wooed Aug. 25 at a community meeting at Newbreak Church by videos and pitches from local drone and...
From trivia to yoga to spinning records to painting images of your pets and monthly bingo, Rincon Reservation Road (3R)...
Opponents of removing the 30 feet height limit in Midway District have filed a new lawsuit claiming the City failed...
Belmont Park, the iconic oceanfront amusement center at Mission Beach, is transitioning into its annual Fall Fest from Sept. 9 through...
Renowned wildlife photographer Tom Mangelsen, who has a La Jolla gallery, is coming out with his eighth coffee table book...
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