Por Judy McCarty
As candidates and their supporters toil for success in the Nov. 8 election, the Navajo Canyon Republican Women Federated (NCRWF) will feature popular, termed-out Santee Assemblyman Brian Jones as their keynote speaker at the Oct. 11 luncheon meeting held at The Brigantine in La Mesa.
Jones’s deep conviction in free market principles, the need for government reform and tax relief comes from his service in both the public and private sector. He is famous for fighting the mileage-based driving tax and the bill signed by Governor Brown to fund a $20 million study of the proposal.

Check-in time is 10:30 a.m. for the 11 a.m. meeting. A full-course luncheon will be served at noon with Jones to follow at 12:30 p.m. Cost is $20. Reservations are required; please RSVP at [email protected] (use RSVP in the subject line) or call 619-990-2791.
Oktoberfest in La Mesa is the first weekend in October, and NCRWF will be there Friday, Sept. 30 through Sunday, Oct. 2. We’ll be registering voters and informing passers-by about our outstanding Republican candidates. If you’d like to join us, contact us at [email protected] (please use Oktoberfest in the subject line) or call 619-990-2791.
Election Day is Tuesday, Nov. 8. This has certainly been a unique election season but decision time is coming. You will be casting votes not only for president but for the future direction of our country. As a San Diego or La Mesa voter, you will also be choosing your representatives for Congress, County Supervisor, City Council and beyond. So stay strong, keep a positive attitude and choose carefully, but choose. And to make your choice count, vote! (NCRWF recommends the Republican ticket.)
Membership in NCRWF is open to all registered Republican women. For more information on all our activities, visit navajocanyonrwf.org and Facebook.
—Judy McCarty is publicity chair of the Navajo Canyon Republican Women Federated. Reach her at [email protected].