The 2019 Portuguese Festa do Espirito Santo (Feast of the Holy Spirit), one of San Diego’s oldest ethnic celebrations, will be June 7-9. The weekend-long event is on the grounds of UPSES Portuguese Hall, 2818 Avenida de Portugal, and St. Agnes Catholic Church, 1140 Evergreen St.
The highlight, the Festa Parade, begins at 10 a.m. Sunday June 9. It follows a route from the UPSES hall to St. Agnes, where High Mass is celebrated and the coronations of the festival king and queen take place at 11 a.m., with church choir singing.
La fiesta ha sido celebrada por los portugueses durante los últimos 700 años en medio de la tradición de la reina Santa Isabel, de quien se dice que rescató a sus compatriotas del hambre. El festival se ha montado en San Diego desde que las primeras familias portuguesas de la ciudad se establecieron aquí en 1884. Se organizó formalmente en 1910.
“The event pays homage, and is our Portuguese dedication to, the Holy Spirit and her belief in God and serving the people,” said Diana Balelo, UPSES Hall president. “On June 8-9, there will be booths at Portuguese Hall where people can buy ethnic foods, like authentic Portuguese bread with meat and potatoes, and be entertained.”
Since 1922, the Chapel next to the UPSES Hall is used to house the Crown of the Holy Spirit during the Festa. On Pentecost Sunday, devotees of the Holy Spirit visit the Chapel to pray and offer a donation of monies or Portuguese sweet breads (sold to raise funds) to continue the religious celebration.
Los presidentes del festival de este año son el Sr. y la Sra. Anthony DaSilva. La reina de la fiesta es Grace DaSilva.