por Shain Haug
Looking ahead to our next Allied Gardens Grantville Community Council (AGGCC) town hall meetings at the Benjamin Library (Zion Avenue and Glenroy Street) at 6:30 p.m.:
Tuesday, May 28 — You will want to attend to hear a San Diego Gas & Electric representative address the SDG&E “Time-of-Use Plan” (TOU) under which electricity prices will be lower or higher at varying times of the day. On May 1, you were switched to one of the three pricing plans. Under the TOU, you can manage the cost of your energy use by the choice of your plan. However, it takes only one look at the materials they sent us to see that you need more, much more, information to make the best choice. The representative from the utility will address the following questions:
- What is TOU?
- How does TOU work?
- What are the TOU pricing plans?
- What is baseline pricing?
- How do TOU and baseline pricing work?
- How to be successful on TOU?
- How to save money with TOU pricing plans?
- Why do you have to move to TOU?
- What impact will TOU have on my bill in the summer?
- How are you supposed to stop using energy between 4 p.m. and 9 p.m.?
- Is TOU just another way of increasing prices?
- Will solar users on a tiered pricing plan be migrated over to TOU?
- How do you sign up?
- How do you compare pricing plans?
- What does one-year no-risk pricing mean?
- Can I switch to another pricing plan?
Tuesday, July 23 — As successor to San Diego County Animal Control, the San Diego Humane Society took over animal control in the city. A representative of the society will discuss the services now available and how to obtain their attention in times of need.
The next meeting of the group that deals with Superior Ready Mix, relative to the quarry and the operations of the cement and asphalt plants, will be on May 16. Please let me know by email of any observed or reported problems. I will present those matters to the working group and will report back to the community.
The AGGCC is looking into the establishment of an off-leash dog park for the Navajo neighborhoods. So far our efforts have been directed to the area between the Allied Gardens swimming pool and the Benjamin Library parking lot. We were recently contacted by a group that is making a similar investigation of an area above Margerum Park off Largewood Street. We hope to join forces as we work on the very demanding requirements of Park and Recreation policies. The project will not go forward until we have participation of a substantial number of dog owners in our Navajo community. If you value a nearby legal offleash park, you can join the effort by contacting us at [email protected].
AGGCC Arbor Day — Join us Saturday, May 18, for a spring spruce up of our award-winning Zion Avenue trees. We are led by Vince Mikulanis, of Davey Resource Group and the District 7 representative of the San Diego Community Forestry Advisory Board. We hope you will be part of our work crew as we weed, mulch, water, and fertilize our Zion Avenue trees in preparation of the coming year. Meet at 9:20 a.m. in the Benjamin Library parking lot. Sign up by giving us your names and addresses at [email protected].
The AGGCC board of directors meets on the first Tuesday of each month at 6:30 p.m. at Benjamin Library, at the corner of Zion Avenue and Glenroy Street. The next meeting will be on Tuesday, June 4. Join our board and we will support your passions for our community.
— Shain Haug es el presidente del Consejo Comunitario de Allied Gardens Grantville. llegar a él en [email protected], o visitar aggccouncil.org.