Our Town Hall Meeting of the general public on May 26, that was held by way of the Zoom application, was an unqualified success. We had a substantial turnout of the public. We had limited the agenda because of our uncertainty with the process. Our experience that evening resolved any question of our ability to conduct such a meeting without restrictions.
Our next general meeting will be on July 21, at which time we will offer a presentation by the San Diego River Conservatory. Your presence is much desired. To attend, contact us through the website, aggccouncil.org, and we will send you instructions on how to enter the meeting. It really is an easy, natural process and we will be there to guide you in your participation.
We must give the 60 trees we planted in the strip between the sidewalk and Zion Avenue a lot of attention as the growing season begins. Our immediate issue is mulching and weed abatement. We need your help with this labor-intensive project. In addition to this event, each tree requires 10-15 gallons of water twice per month. If you can give us a morning of your help with the mulching and weed control, and if you can take on regular watering of a tree or two, please fill out the volunteer form on the webpage, aggccouncil.org/zion-avenue-tree-project.html. An AGGCC board member will be in touch with more details about how you can help.
The city will give us a quantity of mulch of approximately 15 feet by 4 feet. We need a one-time storage space from which we can move the mulch to the trees. If you have such a space, reach us through the website.
The Community Garden at Ascension Lutheran Church is an important community asset. Excess produce from the garden plots goes to the food bank. All 19 of the garden boxes are rented. Recently, a neighbor donated a large wooden rolling table that is now in the garden by the sheds. A birdbath would be a wonderful addition to the new herb garden and donations to that enhancement will be appreciated. Volunteers from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints are doing a great job in the orchard area and their participation is deeply appreciated.
The Community Garden Steering Committee is looking into taking over care of the Allied Gardens sign at the bottom of Waring Road (an ongoing responsibility that the Community Council has never been able to master). You can reach the Community Garden Steering Committee through our website, aggccouncil.org.
We are about to embark on a new project, the decorative painting of the electrical and communication service boxes throughout our neighborhood. One only needs to see what the Clairemont Town Council and the folks at Foster Elementary did to see how beneficial this will be to the community. If you have experience with this kind of project we could use your help.
The AGGCC Board of Directors meetings are open to the public. We meet on the first Tuesday of each month at 6:30 p.m. For the foreseeable future all meetings will be on the Zoom platform. The next meeting of the Board of Directors will be on Tuesday, July 7.
— Shain Haug is the President of the AGGCC. Reach him at [email protected] and be added to the council’s regular email contact list.