Holiday celebrations
The lighting of the community Christmas tree will take place at the corner of Zion Avenue and Waring Road (commonly referred to as the “Triangle”) on Wednesday, Dec. 11 at 6:30 p.m. It is a short ceremony, but fun as two second grade students from Foster and Marvin Elementary will simultaneously turn a switch to illuminate the decorated tree. To help with the festivities, several students from Lewis Middle School Band will perform some special Holiday songs.
On Thursday Dec. 12, Lewis Middle School, Marvin and Foster Elementary will have students performing at the annual Holiday Festival. The festival is an hour long program of seasonal songs and dramatic readings by the students from these schools. The time is 7 p.m. and the location for the festival is the Lewis Middle School Auditorium, 5170 Greenbrier Ave.
Reuniones del Ayuntamiento
Our normal schedule calls for a meeting on Nov. 26, but the week of Thanksgiving Day just doesn’t work, so we will not hold a Town Hall Meeting in November 2019.
Tuesday, Jan.28, 2020 – A presentation by the local Census Team on the census procedures and the importance of a full count of persons in the community.
Tuesday, March 24, 2020 – Eric Bowlby of San Diego Canyonlands will describe our role in the preservation of Navajo Canyon.
Tuesday, May 26, 2020 – Dr. Pat Abbott of SDSU will inform us on the geology of the Navajo area and the earthquake faults that define much of our building codes.
Tuesday, July 28, 2020 – We are working on a presentation that will explain how the State Legislature is dealing with the housing crisis. The primary focus will be how this centralized planning will affect our control over our local zoning and of the character of our single family residential neighborhoods.
San Diego Canyonlands
The mission of San Diego Canyonlands is to promote, protect and restore the natural habitats in San Diego County’s canyons and creeks. They do this by fostering education, community involvement, stewardship, and advocacy in collaboration with organizations such as ours. They are committed to fostering opportunities to use our canyons as “Nature Classrooms” where San Diego’s youth can learn about our unique wildlife and ecosystems with hands-on experiences.
The AGGCC is examining how members of our community can participate in the work of this organization relative to Navajo Canyon. Once we have a clear picture of this involvement we will reach out to you by way of our Newsletter, this monthly article, and our email contact list. Until then you can learn more about the organization and its schedule of activities at sdcanyonlands.org.
Sitio web
Visita aggccouncil.org. Take a look and give us your suggestions for what we should include and what needs to be taken down. We want this site to be a community resource so we need your ideas of what is of value to you.
— Shain Haug is the President of the AGGCC. Reach him at [email protected] to be added to our email contact list.