Even in the face of the COVID-19 restrictions the Allied Gardens/Grantville Community Council, with the support of the community we hope to serve, continued its operations during 2021. We conducted our regular monthly meetings and six successful town hall meetings using the Zoom platform.
We much wanted to get back to in person meetings, but the pandemic had other plans for us. Maybe this year we can return to Benjamin Library. (Of course, the first draft of this article preceded the news about the Omicron variant arriving in San Francisco.)
One major AGGCC accomplishment is the work that is being done in Navajo Canyon. Under the leadership of our own Kim Morris and Kindra Hixon of San Diego Canyonlands the Friends of Navajo Canyon have removed thousands of pounds of trash and non-native plants from the canyon. The team begins work each third Saturday of the month at 9 a.m. at the trailhead on Adobe Falls Road.
The rehabilitation of the canyon to its natural state is a long-term project that will be completed with the support of our surrounding communities. Find more about this important work and sign up to join us on Saturday, Dec. 18 at www.aggccouncil.org/friendsofnavajocanyon.html.
Our next town hall meeting will be on Tuesday, Jan. 25 at 6:30 p.m. Gina Jacobs of the SDSU River Park Advisory Board will describe the 88 acres of river park, open areas, and athletic fields that will be devoted to public use under the terms of the ballot proposition that gave the California State University the right to the property. This parkland will be within walking distance from the Grantville area and will be of great value to that neighborhood.
Use the “Contact Us” page at aggccouncil.org to get on our email contact list. We will send you information about community activities and the agendas for the Community Council and the Navajo Community Planners, Inc. Our next Board meeting will be on Monday, Jan. 8, 2021 at 6:30 p.m. by Zoom.
— By Shain Haug, AGGCC president