Beware unintended consequences. Should the San Diego City Council approve advertising at the city’s beaches, then in addition to blight, small enterprises such as ours may need to rethink their positions. In addition, the ongoing beach cleanup efforts of various nonprofits — I Love A Clean San Diego, Coastkeeper, Surfrider, San Diego River Foundation, etc. — may be undermined. Dog Beach Dog Wash, open over 17 years, has sponsored more than 200 beach cleanups. We have paid for and stocked more than 3 million cleanup bags at a cost of more than $50,000. We have never sought recognition for our community activism. However, we will not participate if a corporate sponsor appears to take credit for our efforts and the efforts of city beach-maintenance crews and the thousands of volunteers who contribute to the cleanliness, health and safety of our beaches. A corporate “sponsor” would need to provide service and product (bags and trash disposal) on an ongoing basis. It is not enough to write a one-time check for $500,000. We hope the City Council will rethink this short-sighted “solution” for the current deficits. —Mindy Pellissier Dog Beach Dog Wash Ocean Beach