Kevin Smead | Downtown News
Back in 2010, I caught the Silversun Pickups at Soma, touring to promote their then relatively new album “Swoon.” Not only did they play a great show, but lead singer and guitarist Brian Aubert stuck around after the show to talk with fans. After a few pictures and handshakes, Aubert asked the ten or so people gathered where the Casbah was and how to get there, seeing as how he’d heard so much about it.
This, it would seem, is how most people — no matter who you are — come to the Casbah. The often talked about venue, which turns the big two-five this month, is known for being an early stop for acts that continue on to major success. It would only make sense, then, that the venue celebrates its 25th birthday by hosting a plethora of well-known and up-and-coming artists, making for one of the coolest birthday bashes ever. If you can only make it to a couple of shows, here are some to consider.
Pinback, Death Fix, Octa#Grape
Monday, Jan. 13 (Sold Out), and Tuesday, Jan. 14.
Though there is a slew of local bands dropping by the Casbah this month, the one perhaps most recognizable to non-locals is Pinback. Trust me, you’ve heard “Fortress” at some point. Their deceptively simple guitar parts and sparse percussion give them a unique, listenable sound. Openers Deathfix and Octa#Grape are definitely solid acts, also. Deathfix drifts into psychedelic territory without ever being cheesy and Octa#Grape is good ‘ole local lo-fi garage rock that I’ll never get sick of. Get your tickets now, though, since Monday is already sold out.
Buck-O-Nine, Heavyweight Champions, Ottley Mercer, Secret Samurai
sábado, 18 de enero
I don’t know, and maybe it’s me, but I feel like growing up in San Diego without ska would have been weird. I guess it’s nostalgic at this point, but I still love it. So imagine how excited I am to find out that San Diego ska legends Buck-O-Nine are playing this month. Break out your pork-pies, checkered ties, and beat-up Vans, because this one will have you skanking for days. Definitely get there early for Secret Samurai, too. If Spaghetti Western-inspired surf rock doesn’t sound cool, then I don’t know what does.
OFF!, Rats Eyes, Bumbklatt, Widows
Wednesday, Jan. 29
Man, what a show. If you’re unfamiliar with OFF!, it’s not only fronted by Keith Morris (Black Flag, Circle Jerks), but features drums from Mario Rubacalba (Rocket From the Crypt, Widows, and many other wicked bands). OFF! is classic Southern California hardcore punk that could easily be the soundtrack to breaking your ankle skating in Ocean Beach. All three openers are great, too, with Rats Eyes being a favorite of mine. It’ll be a loud, wild night, so come ready to have a beer or two spilled all over you.
The Burning of Rome, The Long and Short of It, Marsupials
jueves, 30 de enero
I really dig The Burning of Rome. Its got great instrumentation, unusual songwriting, and kind of sound like Mr. Bungle. Its stuff can be catchy, too, and sticks with you for a while. I can definitely see them being of those bands that end up being the subject of a “Man, I saw them at the Casbah before they were big!” conversation or two. That being said, “druid-core” group The Long and Short of It are pretty rad, as well, with their At the Drive-In-esque post-hardcore sound. For only $10, this one’s definitely worth checking out.
Rocket From the Crypt, Styletones, The Downs Family
Friday, Jan. 31
Sold Out
Yeah, yeah, I know. This one sold out in literally one minute. However, if you can get tickets in some way shape or form, please do so. If you had told me a few years ago I’d be writing a preview for an RFTC show, I’d have called you crazy. Well, here we are, and one of the best bands on the planet is playing at the Casbah again. I can’t reiterate enough, though: go to this if you can.