The Ocean Beach Historical Society takes it’s annual Newport Avenue Historic Walk Saturday, July 22, at 10 a.m. in front of the Ocean Beach Library, 4801 Santa Monica Ave.
The walk is an opportunity to learn more about the community and its history.
“We meet at the library and talk about Ocean Beach library and the school,” said Ned Titlow, Ocean Beach Historical Society vice president. “Then we go over to Newport and talk about all the changes that have been made, not just businesses, but the entire community.”
Titlow explained that many of the society’s members have been a part of the community for a long time and are speaking from experience. George Cunningham, a 95-year-old resident joins the walk often and has a lot to say about the community.
“There’s a lot of information that we pass out. Each year our memories get better or fuzzier, so you may learn something new that we didn’t talk about last year,” Titlow said.
The walk, which is approximately four blocks long, lasts about an hour and a half. They are expecting to match last year’s attendance of 50 people.
Participants are asked to bring a $3 donation.
“We’re not sticklers. If you don’t have enough money we’re not going to not let you walk,” Titlow said.
Donations go toward the expenses of the non-profit organization, as well as toward special projects that the Historical Society takes on. Recently, when the downtown library’s copies of early newspapers were deteriorating and falling apart, the Ocean Beach society made microfilm versions of them to help preserve the documents.
Non-society members are welcome to participate in the event. Applications for membership will be available as well. Members are required to pay $15 in annual dues.