A bank robber who apologized to a Midway Drive bank teller as he robbed her April 9 was sentenced to spend 365 days in a work furlough center. Under the terms of his Oct. 23 sentencing, Chula Vista resident Anthony Ray Barrett will be able to go to work will be confined at night and on weekends. Barrett was granted three years’ probation and ordered to pay $3,230 for another bank robbery from which the money was not recovered. All of the money taken in the April 9 holdup at the Washington Mutual Bank on Midway Drive was recovered when he was arrested shortly afterward. Barrett was ordered to complete an anti-theft program, was fined $1,826, among other costs. Barrett now works as a caregiver to disabled people through an agency, according to court records. He remains free on $21,000 bond until he surrenders to the work furlough program on Nov. 18. He was given credit for spending two days in jail following his April 9 arrest. At Barrett’s preliminary hearing in June, teller Carla Braga testified that Barrett told her “to give him what I could” from her register. She said he apologized twice for robbing her. Braga said Barrett did not display a weapon. On July 24, Barrett pleaded guilty to the Midway Drive robbery and to two other bank robberies in Chula Vista. He faced a maximum sentence of seven years in prison. He had no prior record. A teller put a hidden dye pack with the money Barrett took in his second robbery. After it exploded, Barrett left all of the money behind near the bank. When he was interviewed after his arrest, Barrett said he had financial problems and needed money to pay the rent.