Willie Gardner is calling all Mission Beach residents to play an active role in their local civic association. The Mission Beach Town Council (MBTC) is aiming to increase its membership before nominations take place for officers and area representatives in the next couple of months. MBTC President Willie Gardner talked about the town council, membership and its current projects. What role does the MBTC play in the community? Gardner: We have the ear of our city councilman, Kevin Faulconer – in every meeting he has his representative present. So area concerns can go directly to him. Things get worked on and things get done. What is something the MBTC has helped get done recently? Gardner: The blue recycle cans were knocked down in Mission Beach, and working with Kevin (Faulconer), they will be here this coming year. What are the benefits of membership for the average citizen? Gardner: You get your voice heard instead of screaming at the TV. You can come and talk to us, we can get a plan going and we can tell the city. Working through the community group is like having a town hall meeting without beating up the elected official. Why should people get involved? Gardner: Without participating, they don’t have a voice. The town council gives them a voice. What are projects the MBTC is working on? Gardner: We’re going to continue the graffiti work. We’re going to be putting murals in the police containers in the Belmont parking lot. We’re going to be fighting for the oversize vehicle ordinance. MISSION BEACH TOWN COUNCIL Meetings: Second Tuesday of each month (except August and December), 7 p.m. in the Community Room at Belmont Park Annual Dues: Single $20, Family $25, Business $30 www.missionbeachtc.org