In regards to the letter writer who asked people to go online and sign the petition to allow oil companies to drill in restricted areas as a solution to gas prices: not only is this not a solution, it isn’t even necessary (“World uncertainty may drive oil alternatives,” July 10 Beaco, page 6). Oil companies already lease 68 million acres of federal land and water that they are not drilling on. This solution is only a shill to allow oil companies to acquire more land, and analysts agree will not produce any results for at least a decade.
The Democrats are introducing a bill that requires oil companies to “use it or lose it” and the inability to acquire more if they are not drilling on current leases. Rep. Don Young (Alaska), who has been pushing for drilling in the Arctic Wildlife Refuge and opposes the bill, says oil companies already have time limits to produce oil or natural gases. But isn’t that the point? If we need it, why aren’t they doing it? Answer: It’s a land grab.
Besides, when was the last time you drove into a gas station only to see a sign saying, “Empty, No Gas”? That would indicate a shortage, wouldn’t it? But when President Bush went to Saudi Arabia with his hat in his hand begging Prince Bandar to produce more oil, his answer was no because, as he told Bush, there is enough oil already, it’s speculators driving the price up.
I urge people to call their representatives and demand they vote to force oil companies to use the leases they have before they are allowed to acquire more.