Re Peninsula Community Planning Board (PCPB) approves Rock Church special-use permit to block a public street: For the last year or more I have seen the tables and booths set up on Sundays on the public street in front of the Rock Church. I had assumed that, like the rest of us would have to do, they had obtained approval from some city authority to close off the street. So, I was surprised to read in the Peninsula Beacon that the church had only recently asked the PCPB to condone their use of the public street and pursued a permit. It is not appropriate for public space to be monopolized on a regular basis by a single organization. The Rock Church has a lovely, large $54 million building in which to set up their tables and booths each weekend. If we are going to close off a public street every Sunday, let’s use that space for the benefit of ALL THE TAXPAYING COMMUNITY and permit other organizations to use the space concurrently. Here are some suggestions of organizations that would also benefit from fundraising and getting their message out: • Public school organizations, teams and clubs; • Planned Parenthood; • Americans United for Separation of Church and State (they would be particularly interested in this permit); • American Civil Liberties Union; • Equality California and No on 8; • Council on American-Islamic Relations; • American Humanist Association; • Anti-Defamation League; • Catholic Democrats. Alternately, the PCPB should revisit this agenda item and deny the permit. Keeping the street open might alleviate some of the traffic congestion in Liberty Station on Sundays.