Are you concerned about the graffiti that never gets painted over? Have you grown tired of trying to find a parking spot near the beach or your favorite restaurant? Does local crime worry you?
The Pacific Beach Town Council (PBTC) welcomes the public to discuss their concerns about the community at an open forum Wednesday, Jan. 16, at the Pacific Beach Recreation Center, located at the corner of Diamond and Gresham streets, from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m.
“This will help the town council focus on the things that matter to you most,” said PBTC board member Jerry Hall. “This is more an opportunity to share your concerns than an opportunity for us to provide all the answers.”
Topics include, but are not limited to, crime and safety, graffiti, litter, city services, special events, parks, transportation, alleyways and intersections, parking and traffic.
The town council plans to utilize city, county and local resources to address local issues.
In addition to airing concerns, attendees can learn how to get involved through a variety of volunteer opportunities, including the Safe and Beautiful Committee, which meets the fourth Thursday of the month, 6:30 to 8 p.m. at the Knox Chapel behind the Pacific Beach Presbyterian Church at the corner of Garnet Avenue and Jewell Street.
The town council will also hold its 57th annual installation of officers and directors Friday, Jan. 18, at the Catamaran Resort Hotel, 3999 Mission Blvd. Tickets are $40 in advance and $50 at the door.
For more PBTC information, visit the or call (858) 483-6666.