After a meeting with the SDUSD Capital Improvement Department it became clear: Why is the SDUSD Board of Trustees allowing 20 million of Prop S dollars to be diverted to a downtown “new” charter school in a proposed, and not yet funded, downtown library? Prop S required a long and detailed account of how the funds would be used should the voters approve the bond sale. A team was formed, existing schools in SDUSD were visited and a detailed list of improvements were identified. The voters were presented with this and the people spoke — fix the existing schools. Now we find out that $20 million is being “held back” to fund a new charter school downtown. We didn’t vote for that. Where’s P.E. going to take place downtown? Are the students going to run in the streets? Will the homeless population be asked to leave the library because there are students about? Where are we getting these students? Are we going to bring 30 buses in and out of downtown every day? If the SDUSD Board of Trustees releases the $20 million back into the Prop S improvement fund, many projects that are currently on hold will be able to move forward and our schools will receive the badly-needed improvements they asked us to vote for. I, as a voter, am not willing to wait one more day for this. Please write SDUSD and let them know how you feel about your vote: [email protected].