In regard to “Permanent beach booze ban mulled” (Beacon, July 24, page 1), I would like to point out that this is the THIRD time Kevin Faulconer has changed his position on this issue.
Merely one year ago, he was very much against a ban, taking the advice of his very own Alcohol Task Force.
Just six months ago, he was very much for a permanent alcohol ban on the beach, WITHOUT a public vote, railroading his newfound position through city council. It wasn’t until another councilmember looked for a compromise that we ended up with the “temporary” ban we have today.
Now, Kevin announces that he is going to take it to the people under the guise that he truly wants the city to have a choice.
You may find yourself asking why Faulconer would change position yet again. Well, that’s because he’s playing politics to wash his hands of his very own alcohol ban. Kevin knows that each councilmember before him who had tried to ban alcohol was soundly defeated in the next election. If, indeed, the ballot passes, he can then say “the people decided,” knowing that many would forget he initially did not want them to have the choice at all.
This sham of a political move is nothing more than a maneuver to save his career in city politics. At this point it baffles me why anyone would believe his opinion on any issue, let alone beach alcohol.