More funding to take care of Mission Bay Park (Prop C) and no more out-of-control alcohol use on our beaches (Prop D) — finally, common sense prevailed. Councilmember Kevin Faulconer took a lot of heat for his leadership on both of these fronts, but in the end, the majority of San Diegans agreed with him. I appreciate the way he worked with the neighborhoods and business communities to get input and support. I know not everyone is pleased with the results, but how refreshing to see an elected official who doesn’t back down when things get tough. I am an avid ocean swimmer; it’s a great way to relax from the pressures of my private law practice, but I haven’t even wanted to touch the fouled water in Mission Bay for 30 years. This new infusion of funding, which comes from the park itself rather than from my taxes, will be a great help in preserving wildlife habitats and improving the enjoyment for everyone. For me, one of the worst parts about going to the beach is that unsettled feeling of not knowing whether the people who are drinking are going to control themselves. I am relieved that now I can go and relax in the beauty of nature without that gnawing concern. Thank you, San Diego voters, and thank you, Councilmember Faulconer.