Thank you for your article spotlighting the plight of the elephants in the upcoming Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus (“Upcoming Ringling Bros. Circus visit again throws spotlight on treatment of pachyderms,” Beacon, Aug. 2, page 1).
I could not help thinking about the indictment of Michael Vick when I read about the elephants. The cruelty that is propagated by man towards animals is unconscionable, and immoral.
It is naive to believe what Ms. Aria is promoting just to sell tickets. Common sense dictates that we do not find elephants standing on their head or hind legs in the wild.
Common sense dictates that tigers do not willingly jump through hoops of fire. The methods used to instill fear and discipline are unimaginable.
These endangered species belong in the wild or perhaps, after a lifetime in a traveling circus, at a sanctuary. Truth be told, they probably could no longer survive in the wild.
Until we are educated to treat animals, wild or domestic, with kindness and compassion, we are all guilty of either spectator or participant cruelty.
All of us can help the animals by simply not attending a circus. Cirque de Soleil is the most profitable circus in history, yet no animal except those on two legs is found in their tent.