Each year, the Mission Beach Town Council solicits the most important issues for the community during its annual membership drive. This year, a wide range of issues were identified. 1.) Trash and fly mitigation issues (second trash pickup during summer months);
2.) Underground utilities (continue to monitor and press to stay on a schedule);
3.) Identify and attempt to implement repairs for potholes on sidewalks and streets;
4.) Identify and work with city engineers to repair and replace the seawall;
5.) Push for finalization of Belmont Park lease issues;
6.) Identify ways to mitigate illegal noise;
7.) Identify additional signage and ways to increase dog compliance to city rules;
8.) Identify ways to beautify the Mission Boulevard median that comply with emergency vehicle requirements;
9.) Raise awareness of MB school development issues in the community; and
10.) Identify ways to enhance Mission Beach beautification.
“You can help us by going to missionbeachtc.org, where you can then vote for the issues that have the greatest impact on you,”said Gary Wonacott, vice president of MBTC.