Thanks to District 2 City Councilman Kevin Faulconer for his responsiveness to the wishes of the Peninsula community in connection with the proposed methane-gas recycling. Based on what this writer heard at the community meeting held at the Hervey/Point Loma Branch Library on Sept. 9, apparently Councilman Faulconer was not provided with all the relevant information by the project proponents prior to making his decision to approve the project, including the proposed tanker-truck transport of methane gas from the Point Loma sewage treatment plant to UCSD and the South Bay power-generating stations. After being fully informed regarding the health and safety risks involved in tanker-truck transport of highly volatile methane gas through residential neighborhoods, Councilman Faulconer has now endorsed the alternative method of gas transport through existing SDG&E gas lines and has firmly committed to NO TANKER TRUCK TRANSPORT through the Peninsula community. Councilman Faulconer should be commended for his change of position on this issue and his responsiveness to the concerns of the Peninsula community.