Re: “City OKs extension of building permits,” July 23 Beacon, page 1): Where does District 2 City Councilmember Kevin Faulconer get off in relieving the stress of private developer interests at the expense of the commons? Last time I looked, the financing of private development was a matter between the banking industry and the builder with respect to the free market. As gentrification moves from the local business association to the national capitalism of Starbucks, Wings, Subway, World Oil et al. to the housing bubble of condo conversions to the current emphasis on single-family residences, Ocean Beach sure could use some of those Facilities Benefit Assessments (FBA) and Developer Impact Fees (DIF) to address a portion of the infra-structure deficits that our community faces. But I guess that’s where I’m naive. I still think that public service should embrace the common good as opposed to the private passions of individuals. So I salute Councilmembers Sherri Lightner and Donna Frye for opposing this current extension of building permits, but as for Mr. Faulconer …