"Yes, we are illegal"
Si, se puede – yes we can – is a statement of illegal immigrant defiance, false entitlement and disrespect.Illegals want free services and benefits from Americans? No, you can’t – you didn’t earn or pay for them.Migrants want to break the law and cross the border? No, you can’t – the Minutemen are restoring and repairing the fences.Illegal immigrants want to get a California driver’s license? No, you can’t – you are not a citizen and deserve no rights unless we grant them to you.You want a better Mexico? No, you can’t – because you run up here to take advantage of us and run away from solving your home problems.You demand to get our respect and consideration? No, you can’t – not after waving foreign flags and singing a bastardized version of our National Anthem on our land.You want to assimilate and become Americans? No, you can’t – you keep your own language, refuse to learn English, refuse to become legal citizens, refuse the education that is available (40 percent drop out rate), and think Aztlan is going to rise and retake the border area. Aztlan is a racist myth; you sold your land legally and kept the money.You want to take services, benefits and the rainbow of civilization’s best opportunities? No, you can’t – you have a government in Mexico which is responsible for your welfare and care. Get used to it: you need to go back home and finish your revolution, get your own civil rights, educate your own children in your own language and depend upon your Napoleonic government and Catholic churches to sustain you – not the American taxpayers.You don’t think we can compel 11 million lawbreakers to leave our country, make them pay fines to become citizens, create a tamper-proof ID card, or secure our border? YES, WE CAN because Americans have the training, education and experience to walk on the moon – while Mexican illegals are shuffling across the desert in blanket booties to steal our lifestyle.Can you illegal migrants return to Mexico, regain your honor, reduce your birth rate, educate your children, create jobs for your adults, build healthcare and hospitals for your elderly, jail the criminals who repeatedly murder your police chiefs, and climb from confusion into civilization? Yes, you can “” and you should.
Loch David Crane
Minuteman Civil Defense Corps member
San Diego
Miramar site won’t work
I’ve read a couple articles lately about how MCAS Miramar would be a great co-use airport for San Diego. It won’t work, and it’s way past time to move on.There are a few military/commercial airports that exist; ABQ and HNL come to mind. But, I don’t know of a single active tactical USN/USMC base that co-exists with airliners on a daily basis. And there are reasons that that is the case.It’s been said that the only problem with Miramar being one of these airports is that "touch and go" landings might be compromised but they could be flown at San Clemente. Yes, that’s true, but for a few reasons, San Clemente wouldn’t be much help. It could work, but it would be very expensive (Getting LSOs out to the island, the gas and time for transiting, and the terrain is not condusive to a left-handed day pattern for FCLP’s, which it needs to be). El Centro would work better, but not much. I’m not sure on the helo aspect of the base, but I’d have serious second thoughts about flying tactical helo ops at the same time with airliners in CAT I or II weather (Or lower)?For the reasons an active tactical base can’t co-exist with commercial aviation:a. Fighters (especially USN/USMC) need to fly a visual overhead pattern similar to the one flown around an aircraft carrier whenever they are able. That, in itself, doesn’t blend in with a commercial airport’s normal instrument approaches. Way too often, a commercial airplane needs to practice a full instrument-coupled approach to landing to verify its equipment. An equipment check needs to be flown in protected airspace. Would you have the tower ask a division of F-18s to hold for a few more minutes so the MD-10 could do an equipment check? Most fighters fly until they’re about out of gas to maximize training. Would we suggest that the fighters routinely recover with extra gas for an airliner’s contingency? I don’t think so.b. How are you going to integrate live-fire exercises? How would you integrate range times, launch and recovery, arming and de-arming with Southwest coming in from PHX? Would you enjoy sitting in an airliner watching a division of Hornets opposite you in the hold short with live AMRAAMs, JDAMs and LGBs? Not even to mention some others. Don’t forget that’s the reason we have these type aircraft and pilots; they like to blow things up and they get to carry and practice with the ordnance to learn how to do it.I’m beginning to see a reason Miramar keeps coming up; there apparently is no expertise to back up these positions. And let’s eliminate North Island while we’re at it, for much of the same reasons and a bunch of others. Normally, I’m spring-loaded to the "make it happen" position and I’m not trying to be a NIMBY or whatever else, but this is simply not doable, which is much more difficult than the "WAY TOO HARD" category. But, if the Marine Corps ever decided to leave Miramar for whatever reason, I think that place would be near perfect. Until then, let’s look elsewhere.
Norman C. Walker
San Diego
10 years flying F-14’s at Miramar and 10 years flying MD-10/11’s for FedEx